Our Faith
For over sixty-five years, the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton has been serving children and youth within the local community by protecting their safety and well-being, strengthening their families and nurturing caring relationships that will sustain them on their life journeys. Governed by civil legislation and our provincial charter to protect children and youth, we are also guided by the teaching, tradition and witness of the Catholic Church, responsive and accountable to the local community that it serves. Our vision and mission are grounded in our faith in the Risen Christ and the compassion and mercy he showed to the most marginalized persons in his community. We see our work as a calling and ministry of the Church, empowered by Christ’s teaching that “Whatsoever you did to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40)
We are also a proud member of the Hamilton Catholic Service Organizations network, working on behalf of the Catholic community to make Hamilton stronger. For a complete list of our service partners see here.
Statement of Faith
Our Statement of Faith, developed in Spring 2018, is a key part of our Strategic Plan. Click here to read the Statement of Faith. Click here to read our complete Strategic Plan.
Deepening Faith
The attached booklet “Deepening Faith” speaks about how Faith Inspires the Service of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton and the work we do with the people we are blessed to serve.
CCASH Spiritual Care Team
CCASH is committed to serving the needs of the entire person. Our agency recognizes that all humans have spiritual needs and that spiritual health flows into all dimensions of a person’s life. The Spiritual Care Team is available for:
- Listening and Counselling
- Answering questions about the Catholic faith and religion,
- Support in times of illness, mourning, or emotional distress.
- Spiritual direction that accompanies a person on their faith journey
- Pastoral visits to home or hospital
Spiritual Care is provided by:
Catherine M Pead
905-525-2012 ext. 3348
Spiritual Leadership Support
The Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton would like to extend tremendous appreciation to the Ex Corde Foundation. In the fall of 2019, the Ex Corde Foundation provided the agency with a grant to support a spiritual leadership development program that will increase our ability to serve the spiritual needs of all the people who make up our organization: our service recipients, our resource parents, our volunteers, and our staff.
We are immensely grateful to the Ex Corde Foundation for making these funds available to us, so we can strengthen our commitment to a holistic service approach that honours the mind, body and spirit of each person we serve.