Resources for Children, Youth & Parents
For children, youth and parents seeking information or resources
We can help support and strengthen a family through the rough times.
We encourage parents and guardians to contact us before their family problems get out of control. We can help them through the rough times, and support and strengthen their family so they are able to parent their children safely.
Resources for parents and guardians
The following links provide access to important information on a variety of subjects and issues.
In order to view these documents, you will require Acrobat Reader (free software).
- Bathtub Safety
- Fire Safety
- Infant Mental Health
- Pool Safety
- Safer Sleeping Environments
- Youth Suicide
- What’s wrong with spanking?
- BullyingEN – a guide for parents of elementary and secondary school students.
Resources for youth and children
KidsHelpPhone — Toll Free: 1.800.668.6868. Free, confidential and anonymous assistance at anytime. Call and speak with a counsellor immediately, or if you prefer to write, send a question online.