The Promise of a Brighter Future

The Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton (CCASH) Bursary and Scholarship Program aims to alleviate financial barriers, providing service recipients opportunities for higher education and skill development. Together, with the support of our community and generous donors, we aspire to open doors, create possibilities, and pave the way for a brighter future.

If you would like to contribute to a bursary, you can donate by mail, phone, or online.

Mail a cheque to:
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton
735 King Street East
Hamilton, ON L8M 1A1
Attention: Development Department


Phone: 905-525-2012 ext. 3139

Donate online and in the drop-down menu under ‘I would like my donation to support’ select ‘Education-related Needs and Bursaries’.

2025/26 Bursary & Scholarships Applications Now Open!

Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 22, 2025

2025 Bursary & Scholarship Program

Funding Available

There are three funding streams available through CCASH in 2025. Please review Guidelines below for details:

What/Who is Funded

Funding is available to support and enhance the life outcomes of individuals served by CCASH.

Individuals served, include:

  • Current and former wards
  • Kin families
  • Parents and children currently receiving service
  • Children of families that provide foster homes (up to 1 bursary per year).

Activities for which funding can be requested include:

  • Ongoing education and skills training
  • Employment outcomes and possibilities (specialized equipment purchase, computer and electronic purchase, ongoing training)

Please note: Disbursement of funds will be directed toward tuition at your selected post-secondary institution or distributed as a reimbursement for supplies (ie: books, laptop, etc.) with proof of purchase. You can discuss the disbursement of funds further with your worker.


Bursary Scholarship Application Form 2025

"*" indicates required fields

Date of birth*
Please answer yes or no and provide details.
For example, current/former Crown Ward, parent in a family currently receiving services, child in a family currently receiving services, etc.
Which CCASH staff member has been your most recent contact?
Indicate which of the following financial supports you are applying for. You can choose more than one.*
Bursaries support a wide range of life-enhancing activities. Scholarships are specifically for post-secondary education and training. Read the guidelines carefully for each program to understand if you and your activities are eligible for support.
i.e. African Canadian, Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+ etc.
i.e. college or university program, trade school, job training etc.
For example, if you are going to school, tell us what you plan to study, why doing this matters to you, how it will help you to achieve your goals and long-term goals, and any other information that would help us understand the impact a bursary or scholarship will have.
For example, if you are seeking funds to help you upgrade your work skills, tell us about your work history and achievements.
Please elaborate on any involvement that relates to the activity for which you are applying for financial support.
If so, please indicate the amount, duration and the source of the funds.
By submitting this information, you confirm that...*
Dated: 03/06/2025
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Bursary & Scholarships

These are the various bursary and scholarships that are available to CCASH service recipients, and their families:

  • Youth & Family Opportunity Bursaries (annual): Supports youth and families, who are receiving services from the agency, to help them achieve their life’s goals. Made possible through our dedicated donors and friends.
  • The Sazio Family Scholarship (annual): Supports current or former CCASH service recipients who are pursuing post-secondary education and/or training. This is a renewable scholarship for up to 4 years, made possible through the generosity of the Sazio family.
  • The DiNardo Family Scholarship (bi-annual): Supports current or former CCASH service recipients who are pursuing post-secondary education and/or training, made possible through the generosity of the DiNardo Family.

If you are interested in sponsoring a bursary or creating a scholarship, please contact: 905-525-2012 x 3150


For any questions or assistance with your application, contact Deb Emberson at [email protected]


Hear from our 2024 Bursary & Scholarship recipients on how they benefitted from this financial support.