Kinship is a model of care in which children needing out-of-home placements are placed with family members or other individuals known to the child/family. It has been shown to create better outcomes for children and youth.
By keeping families together, kinship is the best way to ensure that children receive care that is culturally appropriate, and is recognized as a best practice for Black and Indigenous children.
If you know a family that is struggling or a child who is in need of protection, consider becoming a kin caregiver. Contact Kinship Supervisor, Krystal Dorion-Buxo at 905-525-2012 ext. 3339 with questions or for more information.
Information about Kinship
Click here to see an infographic that provides basic information about kinship in English and in French.
Click here for more detailed information about the myths and realities of kinship care.

Testimonial: Carol’s transition from grandmom to mom

Testimonial: Meet Lynda and Gene
Click here to read about Lynda and Gene’s unique kinship arrangement..

Testimonial: From Aunt Kelly to Mom
Click here to read about Kelly’s experience with kinship care.
These two videos provide additional information about the benefits of kinship care.
Kevin Campbell, creator of the Centre for Family Finding and Youth Connectedness, provides powerful messages about the importance of children knowing about their families, even if they cannot go home with them, and the belief that families should be given first chance to help with their children when they come into foster care. This short video addresses some of the many myths about kin, with the culminating message of “PLEASE LOOK” for family for our children and youth in, or at risk of entering, the child welfare system. Video (1:35 mins)
Longitudinal Study that demonstrates that all the commonly thought variables one would think are linked with health and happiness (money, status, education, employment status etc.…) are myth. The key variable? Key Finding? CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS ARE THE VARIABLES ASSOCIATED WITH LONG TERM HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Ted Talk (12 mins)