Foster Care
Brighten a child’s life today, become a foster parent. Our foster parents consider the mission of fostering both a privilege and an honour. For all the stories of pain and suffering, there are so many more stories of joy and success, hope and healing among our children and families. No matter what your experience or skills, by becoming a foster parent you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.
To learn more about fostering through CCAS Hamilton, please contact Steve Wiegand at 905-525-2012 ext. 3158 or [email protected].
You can also attend an in-person Adoption Information Session or an online Foster/Adoption Information Webinar. Click here for more details.
- 0-2 Year olds (and pre-schoolers up to age of 5) – CCAS requires that one parent is a stay-at-home parent for this age group.
- Adolescents and Teenagers (12 – 18 years old)
- Children with medical challenges
- Special needs children
- Children with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Enhanced Foster Care Initiative
Our Enhanced Foster Care Initiative to care for the most vulnerable children and youth in our care.
If you have experience working with children or youth with behavioural, mental health or complex special needs, and are interested in providing full-time foster care — we need you!
Under this program, foster parents provide enhanced foster care for children and youth with challenging behaviours who require increased, full-time care.
Applicants must:
- have at least one stay-at-home parent with advanced skills
- be skilled in collaborating with a variety of staff, agencies and other support systems
- be committed to ongoing training
Compensation is reflective of the greater demands, with increased financial compensation and increased specialized service supports, including:
- all-inclusive monthly rate per child (depending on complexity of the child’s needs, the provider’s skills and experience)
- a variety of supports, including: one-to-one child specific support, respite, 24/7 emergency support, etc.
See posting for a complete listing of qualifications and supports.
Who are foster parents?
Foster parents are individuals or couples with a genuine interest in children and a sense of community responsibility. They come from a variety of ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds, of any sexual orientation, and with a variety of child care experience. Some are parents whose own children are now adults, while some have their own biological children living at home.
- A basic understanding of the needs of children and/or youth, and a willingness to learn
- A stable family home, regardless of family make-up (single or partnered, with or without children).
- A bed and adequate space for each foster child. A foster child may not sleep in a regular basement.
- Past experience caring for children or youth is a definite advantage.
- Working foster parents must ensure appropriate supervision during working hours.
- A love of young people, optimism, tolerance, patience and consistency are essential to the successful foster family.
There are many challenges for those families who become foster parents. Children come into the care for many reasons, including physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect or exposure to domestic violence. Children and youth who have these kinds of life experiences may present emotional and/or behavioural challenges for the foster family. Children and youth come into the care for varying lengths of time. Many will eventually return to their biological family. Some may not be able to return home, and may stay in foster care permanently or be placed for adoption. The challenge for the foster family is to provide the physical and emotional support to children, while recognizing the difficulty of letting go when a permanent plan is implemented. We offer a variety of supports to assist our foster families. The reward is knowing that you are helping children, youth and families.
Frequently Asked Questions – Foster Care
Click on each of the following questions to reveal the answers.
- Newborn to 18 years, with various life experiences and abilities
- Identify or have families who identify as Catholic, or attend Catholic schools
- Come with immense potential and a need for loving, supportive families
- May have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect
- Parent-child conflict
- Parents may have mental health or addiction challenges
- An alternate and temporary home
- A caring and supportive family environment
- The Society assumes guardianship while child is in care
- The goal is to return child to natural family, whenever possible
- Can be short-term foster care (relief), or regular foster care (full-time)
- When a child is unable to return to their family, adoption/permanent plans are made
- Caring for a child and their physical, spiritual, emotional, and social development
- Advocating for the needs of a child
- Reaching out and guiding a child through their growing years
- Embracing and welcoming a child into the warmth of your safe and secure home
- The desire and ability to love, nurture and parent a child
- Patience, flexibility and consistency
- A desire and willingness to learn
- The desire to be part of a child’s life story.
- You can be single or a couple, with or without your own children
- You do not have to be Catholic, but be willing to learn about the Catholic faith to support a foster child’s Catholic beliefs
- You must be at least 21 years of age
- You may own or rent your home
- You must be self-supporting
- You may work outside the home while fostering
- You must submit a vulnerable sector screening report by police and be approved through a Home Study
- You must complete the Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education (PRIDE) training
- You must be willing to work within the guidelines and philosophies of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton
- CCASH provides information, training and support to foster parents
- Fostering is a team approach including foster parents, CCASH staff and community professionals
- Foster parents receive ongoing financial assistance to care for foster children
- Social workers regularly visit to provide support to foster parents and children
- Pastoral assistance is available to foster parents and the children in their care
- Contact our agency and register to attend an Online Information Session
- Next Online Information Session (click here for date and time)
Agency Contact Information:
- Email Steve Wiegand at [email protected]
- Send a message via the contact form below
Contact us about fostering
Learn about fostering from some of our foster parents

Testimonial: Veni, Mom’s Helper

Testimonial: Rita talks about her 50 years of fostering